Deuwch etifeddion sylwedd

Deuwch etifeddion sylwedd,
  Gorfoleddwn yn Nuw cun;
Darfu'r gauaf, daeth yr haf-ddydd,
  Efengyl dirion Mab y dyn:
Eneidiau caethion o'u carcharau
  A'u cadwynau'n myn'd yn rhydd;
Y ddraig a'i teulu'n cael eu maeddu,
  Efengyl Iesu bia'r dydd.

Cadpen mawr fy iechydwriaeth,
  Welaf yn y frwydr hon,
Holl elynion ei ddiweddi
  Yn gorfod plygu ger ei fron:
Plant afradlon sy'n d'od adref,
  Oedd ymhell o dir
      eu gwlad;
Rhai fu fudion sy'n clodfori
  Duw am iachawdwriaeth rad.

Mae'r addewid wedi cerdded
  Yn fore o du
      Had y wraig,
Cānt hwy sathru ar 'sgorpiynau,
  Cryfdwr a chyfrwysdra'r ddraig;
Hi ga'dd ar rai ei chyflawni,
  Tyred etto Iesu mawr,
Rho dy allu im' orchfygu
  Yr holl ddrygau s'ar y llawr.

Galw etto ā dy gariad
  Luoedd o'r tywyllwch mawr,
'Rwyt yn Gyfaill cywir ffyddlon,
  I drueiniaid gwael y llawr;
Gwell ym mhob rhyw gyfyngderau
  Nā gwrthddrychau goreu'r byd,
Nef wrth fyw a nef wrth farw,
  Nefoedd wyt i bara o hyd.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo, 1764.

gwelir: Cadpen mawr fy iechydwriaeth

[Mesur: 8787D]

Come ye heirs of substance,
  Let us rejoice in God the Lord;
The winter passed away, the summer-day came,
  The tender gospel of the Son of man:
Captive souls from their prisons
  And their chains going free;
The dragon and his family getting beaten,
  The gospel of Jesus owns the day.

The great Captain of our salvation,
  I see in this battle,
All the enemies of his betrothed
  Having to bow before him:
Prodigal children are coming home,
  Who were far from the land
      of their country;
Some who were mute are extolling
  God for free salvation.

The promise has walked
  In the morning from the side
      of the Seed of the woman,
They get to trample on scorpions,
  The might and craftiness of the dragon;
It got fulfilled over some,
  Come again, great Jesus,
Give thy power for me to overcome
  All the evils there are on the earth.

Call again with thy love
  Host from the great darkness,
Thou art a true, faithful Friend,
  To poor wretches on the earth;
Better in every kind of straits
  Than the best objects of the world,
Heaven with living and heaven while dying,
  Heaven thou art to endure always.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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